Most of the methods explained in our exterior section are incorporated into interior cleaning as well. There are a few items worth elaborating on though. When we enter a property the first thing we do is protect the floor as we move our equipment into the house or business. We are careful to place a cloth between our buckets and ladders from the floor or walls. We always wear booties to not bring in dirt from outside. Our crew is uniform and clean and takes the time to make sure they aren’t intrusive to the nostrils as well. We are good with friendly pets and kids and are careful to respect naptimes and play dates. We are able to reach any windows, mirrors, or railings within the interior to any height. We will move furniture as needed and will usually take a snapshot of the room to make sure everything goes back to its proper location.

We will lift blinds and move drapes being vigilant in our handling especially where window treatments and shears are concerned. We do request that if you have expensive breakables or personal family heirlooms, you inform our technicians prior to cleaning so that we can work out with you the proper handling and placement during cleaning. Our goal is that it is impossible to tell we were there except for sparkling clean windows and sills.